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What most interests me nowadays are other kinds of translations, like what is the value of building a trail to an overlook? What is the value of preserving a pristine swath of nature? What is the value of going on a walk with a friend, or alone, in a place of beauty? Thankfully, there's no need to place a hard numeric value on these things. None of them have to be translated to anything—they can simply be left as we find them, mysterious and moving. What I am up to, these days, is immensely different from my former work, it is seeking ways to entice the giving heart in others (more on that to come)....and finding it in myself.
I woke early this morning, concerned for the success my 24n24. I was pondering "what if after all this preparation, writing this blog, speaking to everyone her uncle about it, as it were, tooting my horn in hopes that people will support me through giving to The Wildlands Conservancy, what if only a very few people are moved to contribute?" But I cannot make the success of one thing (the run itself) depend on the success of the other (philanthropy for TWC). It does matter, of course...it matters a lot to me that my Epic4Epic experiment is a success. But it also doesn't matter, because I won't hang its success on how much is generated, or how many contribute. And as far as climbing 24 peaks within 24 hours is concerned, I set out to challenge myself on the 24n24. I know I am becoming a better man, and truer friend because of it—this is neither diminished nor increased by how much or how little much money I generate for the Conservancy. It is an experiment of sorts, to find out how this Epic4Epic thing works (not just how well it works). And it's an adventure.
I think here of you, dear reader, and wonder: What's your next adventure, your upcoming Epic? I wish you were here now, to tell me about it.
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